Leading Ladies with Heather Wright
Leading Ladies with Heather Wright Podcast
Listen to "Derry Girls"

Listen to "Derry Girls"

An audio version of my recent piece on one of my favorite television shows ever!

Hey there! Your life is busy. I get it. Which is why I recorded an audio version of my September treatise on the merit of the television sitcom drama Derry Girls!

It’s one of my favorite things I’ve written, and I would hate for you to miss out simply because you didn’t have time to sit down and read the newsletter 3 months ago… Plus I get to brush up on my voiceover skills. It’s great practice! (People have been telling me lately I should read audiobooks — drop a comment if you agree!)

I’ve made the post available for free subscribers again, in case you want to check out any of my references!

Let me know what you think of this piece or the show!

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Leading Ladies with Heather Wright
Leading Ladies with Heather Wright Podcast
Cultivating Conscious Consumption of Film & Television featuring Strong Female Leads